
China Holidays Tour to Guilin

Summer travel deals in some cities

Guiyang - from June 1 until the end of china tibet travel the year, where the holders of the Shanghai World Expo tickets to major scenic tourist western Guizhou Province, Xijiang attraction tickets from $ 100 to $ 50, Huangguoshu scenic spots, from 180 yuan to 165 yuan Tianlongtunbao discount from 60 yuan to 40 yuan. Expo ticket holders to Guiyang tour all the tourists attractions, scenic spots, but also 50% discount. Libo Xiao Qikong will implement a large discount tickets already discounted, ticket price from 190 yuan to 90 yuan. Also, where in July 1 to September 15 between the primary and secondary students visit the student ID Zhenyuan area enjoy free of charge policy, under the age of 24 full-time university students (including graduate) student ID, ID card are covered free of charge policy.

Chongqing - from July 1 to August 31, 2010 china tibet tours graduates (including middle and high schools and universities) based on my graduation this year, license-free ticket or tickets for Fairy Hill area; where two people can be free with a student student fairy Mountain scenic spot ticket.

Shandong - July 1 to September 31, to the Shandong Penglai Pavilion Scenic Spot Tourism and leisure travel agreement student groups (10 people into a group) can enjoy the concessionary fares and the corresponding incentives. Elementary, middle and high school groups 50 yuan / person, students groups 60 yuan / person. In addition, during the month of benefits, Penglai Pavilion Scenic Spot has also introduced a free ride tickets with scenic sightseeing car, free to participate, watch the various activities. For more information, please shift to Visit China

