
Personalized Beijing Tourism Strategy 2

Must be selected to the National Palace in a non-weekend non-holidays, otherwise tumultuous and colorful yangtze river cruises tour of what it's like a small flag to have buried it! If time does not allow you the luxury, the time for the closing before the hour or two is good, until administrators began to urge you to leave. At that time, few visitors, empty silence, the sun shines on the red walls and gray tiles, under the majestic palace in the sky do not have a sense of the vicissitudes of life, which is where today's most fascinating museum.

Of course, the most pleasant thing, half a day, a lazy afternoon, wandering around in the Forbidden City, walk some of those who have broken bluestone brick road, looking up at those tall and magnificent palaces, rest on a bench in the Imperial Garden what, until dusk, you come out from the museum's back door, through the Meridian Gate, along the tall wall onto the circle - you people to the mountain to the city! Has been to the museum's main entrance (and Jingshan distant relative) to experience walking in the Imperial City is the root of what state of mind. Then lean in terms of the yangtze river tour barrier moat famous "turret twilight", which was the color of donkeys waiting for the landscape how much it!

Morning, just select one from the following arrangements:
1, the front door Dashilan shopping (much to Beijing, where foreigners get together, there are a variety of old shops, there are brand-name stores, as well as an array of small grocery store.)

2, the board before the gate to see Beijing history exhibition. Then across Tiananmen Square, the Monument to leave a shadow. Want to understand what patriotism, the flag go up on early in the morning, if had never experienced, or very shocking. Time to see the daily flag raising and lowering

3, Yu Jingshan Park, on the top (probably less than 20 minutes), take a look at the famous Beijing axis - front door, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City a few hall, Jingshan, Drum Tower, Bell Tower; but also the way the concept of hanging askew view of the emperor Chongzhen Neck tree. For more information, please shift to Visit China

